Assetminder has a published finance API. This allows all the finance information available to be taken into an organisation's ERP or accounting system. We currently have an integrated link with Sage and also connect to SAP and Oracle directly, or by using middleware like Mulesoft.
Assetminder manages all of the operational workflows and the relevant finance information is passed to the accounting system for accounts payable, accounts receivable and general ledger accounting.
With our link to the NVD, vehicles can be added to your Assetminder System with the click of a button. By simply entering the Vehicle Registration Number, all of the important vehicle details including the VIN number, the make and model, the year of registration etc. is pulled down from the NVD and saved into Assetminder.
By using the NVD integration, it ensures that all of the vehicle information in your Assetminder System is correct and up to date.
This service is available to look-up UK and Irish registered vehicles.
Assetminder integrates with all of the most popular telemetry systems in Ireland and the UK. Assetminder takes in all relevant data from the telemetry system, including odometer values, fault codes and the physical location of the vehicle. This ensures that your Software System has live vehicle information and that any faults are recorded and assigned for repair.
Assetminder has a vast amount of experience in this field by working with our partner, to create a seamless link from the workshop equipment including, but not limited to, roller brake testers. This unique integration between equipment and Assetminder provides the ability to securely capture the likes of brake test results directly to an inspection report, reducing the need to reprint and store brake test results.
The integration process involves connecting the equipment to a Central Control System or Network, enabling data sharing and control by a single interface. With this type of integration workshops can anticipate, identify and resolve issues faster, provide better customer service and generate higher profits.
To make life easier Assetminder can offer integration on our Mobile App with NFC ( Near Field Communication), to assist with quickly and accurately identifying assets or users within the system.
Barcoding spare parts plays a huge part in the Stock Module of Assetminder and assists not only with the allocation of spare parts, but also their location.
Integrated bar code reading can also be incorporated with our Mobile App to scan parts directly to the job card.
Our latest and most exciting integration is with RFID Technology. Using the correct hardware you can now have the ability to automate the process of parts allocation, by strategically placing RFID scanners in the stores entry/exit, all spare parts that pass through the threshold are directly applied to the correct jobcard /asset.
We're calling this Passive Parts Management.
Integration to a Transport Management Systems is a crucial part of any logistics operation. Advance knowledge of maintenance planned events and VOR status, through our dedicated API with live data, being the key to operating a successful business.
Overall, Transport Management Integration helps to reduce costs, improve service quality, increase operational visibility and enhance customer satisfaction.