Create interactive and customisable dashboards
Create interactive and customisable dashboards
Build your own reports.
Run ad-hoc queries.
Analyse and drill-down into your data and performance metrics
When limited resources face unlimited requests and requirements, there is a need to identify, prioritise and justify actions based on business intelligence (BI) tools. BI dashboards are the gateways to the information in your fleet maintenance database, allowing you to dive beneath the surface and understand what is happening.
Like the dash in your vehicle, each gauge or display is essentially a key performance indicator (KPI), so you are already used to the concept of glancing to see what is happening and adjusting accordingly when needed.
Assetminder’s business intelligence dashboard gives fleet owners and operators the ability to dynamically analyse the productivity and efficiency of their fleet, depots, staff and suppliers, with easy-to-use and understand graphical reports.
The analytics reveal big-picture trends, with the ability to instantly drill down to understand the causes of high costs, that can be analysed over time, per mile or hour.
Productivity can be also analysed by fitter and by task, with comparisons across dimensions such as locations and timeframe.
Many other reports such as defect count by severity, work-in-progress, and asset repair costs can also be generated.
The reporting tool gives fleet managers the ability to interactively slice, dice and graph data by manipulating variables such as sub-type (eg. clutch, brakes, tyres, etc.), make, range, model, asset type and reason (such as accident, unscheduled and scheduled maintenance).
The business intelligence tool helps fleet owners and operators organise and analyse data to make better decisions on such items as asset replacement. The ability to sift through data and come to meaningful conclusions is one of the most powerful business benefits of adopting a business intelligence tool.